Amber Glen Alzheimer's Special Care Center


Assisted Living Facilities

About Us

Amber Glen Alzheimer’s Special Care Center, a JEA Senior Living community is located in the beautiful city of Urbana. JEA Senior Living is a privately owned and operated management company whose expertise spans over 30 years in over 50 care facilities. JEA is known for assembling the very best in the industry to deliver quality services to our residents.

Amber Glen offers a distinctive memory care program Meaningful Moments which takes a holistic approach incorporating past routines and preferences to create a day similar to one the person might have in their own home. Morning & evening routines as well as those preferences established long before the disease process bring comfort and familiarity to one suffering from dementia. This approach is what establishes us as the experts and leaders in memory care in providing an enjoyable, comfortable and safe environment for our residents.

Our training programs equip our staff to have the best tools in the industry in assisting our residents through their day. Each staff member goes through a disease specific training course with initial onboarding and continuing monthly education. We partner with local physicians and experts in the community to bring the very best options to our families and residents.

Our family partnerships are the foundation of how we deliver care in a manner that best suites the needs and personalities of the person. We provide ongoing communication and opportunities for collaboration. Our monthly support groups, dementia workshops and educational series are not only valuable but essential to our familie